Wednesday 1 December 2021


Where do you usually locate very necessary news about local and global civility?

What is the 21st century equivalent of speculum literature?

You may be familiar with the history of mirrors for princes, but where are the equivalent works for today's politicians?

So many politicians today are still apparently guided by The Prince, but why?

Which conduct books are most appropriate guides to political decision-making in the 21st century, in your view?

What sort of knowledge have you acquired through books about courtesy?

Perhaps your views on matters of courtesy and civility have been acquired from Cicero in the year 44 BC.

But the politics informing On Duties and the Philippics should not have relevance in the 21st century, anywhere at all.

What have you been learning about the art of very necessary news over the past few months?

Perhaps your views on improving politics are informed by your knowledge of medieval courtly love and chivalry.

Perhaps your views on improving politics are informed by The Book of the Courtier.

What is the place of courtiers in 21st century democracies? 

You may believe you are in the picture about political realities and democratic necessities.

Why, then, are the dragons of corruption still so fierce, all over the world?

Very Necessary News is currently a monthly publication.

Civility Today is currently a daily publication.

A formal standard of civility is usually higher than an informal standard, though not necessarily.

What are your own standards and how consistently do you apply them? 

The global Mozarty Party upholds civility and other expressions of good taste to the highest possible standard, in accordance with the requirements of suitable world leadership.

The Civility Party of Australia does likewise, even when additional required to provide quality political leadership from Canberra. 

How do you attempt to encourage a culture of civility, and where?

When investing in civility, how do you assess your own productivity, and the productivity of other people?

How do you usually assess productivity in terms of civility?

How do you know you are investing in enlightened productivity

How do you usually acquire investment news and how do you distinguish it from marketing?

If you have been investing in thorough assessments of newsworthiness, what have you discovered through that experience?

What have you discovered about the enlightened being of political kindness, and where? 

What do you know about civility in relation to conflict?

And how are you investing in improving political practices?

Perhaps you have been doing so with an improved approach to hygiene.

But do you also have an improved approach to the distribution of civility and very necessary news?

As an ordinary member of the global public, you currently have the chance, briefly, to experience this news service.

What is currently your preferred approach to investing in better governments, and why? 

Perhaps your devotion to the task is inadequate.

You have already had the chance to experience a new month and season in relation to this publication.

Now you have been supplied with the chance to experience more.

Quality news involves investing in social research in order to report as accurately as possible on significant events.

How do you prefer to report upon notable moments, and to whom?

How do you prefer good news to be presented to you, and why?

How do you prefer bad news to be presented to you, and why?

What is your preferred approach to the supply of quality reporting

Civility itself should not require funding.  And civility itself is rarely regarded as newsworthy.

But do political improvements require funding?

Such improvements are obviously closely associated with civility.

Perhaps you prefer experiencing Trickery Today rather than Civility Today and/or Very Necessary News

How do you usually reflect upon sexuality in relation to civility?

How do you usually reflect upon finance in relation to civility? 

How do you usually reflect upon scandals in relation to incivility?

If you are investing in quality journalism appropriately, civility will be much improved in the world.

What have you been learning about climate civility, and how?

Where do you usually acquire news about the climate?

You may associate civility with principles, possibly including scientific principles relating to heat.

What is your acquaintance with the Civility Journalism Circle?

You may already know that Civility Central provides all the initial training for prospective members of the Civility Party of Australia, and for prospective members of every other properly constituted Civility Party, and all similar political parties, around the world.

How does civility help you to overcome despair?

How are you investing in urgent reforms, including the reform of your own attitude and manners?

How do you compare yourself with Lancelot of the Lake and John the Victorious?

Perhaps you prefer to view politics as a chivalric romance rather than as an expression of democratic civility.

Perhaps you would rather retreat to a hermitage than think about politics at all.

But what do you know about stability and its relationship with civility?

How do you know you are investing in the very best mental health?

How enlightened is your sense of duty, and how do you know?

How, if at all, do you contribute to the enlightenment of civil society?

How, if at all, do you contribute to the improvement of governments?

How, if at all, do you contribute to the respectfulness of businesses?

How conscious are you of your contributions to history, and to the future?

Perhaps you know something of the trifles of courtiers.

Perhaps you know something about literary cycles and the Lancelot-Grail.

Where have you been investing in political kindness, and how?

How have you been identifying, assessing and reporting upon important themes associate with civility?

How do you attempt to encourage the civility of political kindness?

How and where have you been practicing your philanthropy as a way to improve the civility of political pursuits and public life?

Good design is meant to be an expression of adequate compatibility and suitable civility.

How have you been investing in careful design, aesthetically and politically?

Perhaps you have much in common with Morgan le Fay.