Sunday 6 June 2021

The art of very necessary news

If you love the truth, you will also love very necessary news and Very Necessary News.

Are you seeking news from 1475 or now?

What is your acquaintance with 1475?

What is your acquaintance with 2021?

How do you prefer to assess your ethics in relation to very necessary news?

What is your acquaintance with the year 1230?

What do you know about Le Roman de la Rose and Carmina Burana?

What is your acquaintance with the year 2 AD and the Ars Amatoria?

News is meant to report upon changes yet some things never seem to change across the centuries.

In terms of journalism, social science and the arts, very necessary news mainly reports upon problematic patterns of human behaviour.

Where do you usually locate very necessary news you may have missed

How do you prefer to define very necessary news?

And how do you prefer to respond to that news?

What makes gardens newsworthy?

What makes the visual arts newsworthy?

What makes poetry newsworthy?

What was newsworthy in the year 1540 apart from the devastating drought in Europe?

What is newsworthy about rivers and forests and crops and livelihoods?

What do you know about European music in the 1540s?

When is music newsworthy?

What was most newsworthy in the year 1633?

How do you compare notable science-related events in that year with notable art-related events?

How do you prefer to compare history with news?

How have you compared the COVID-19 pandemic with the second plague pandemic?

Who would have experienced merry company in the garden of love in 1633?

What do you regard as having been most newsworthy in 1794, and why?

How does the reporting of news compare with poetry?

How does the reporting of news compare with music?

How does the reporting of news compare with fiction?

How does the reporting of news reflect politics?

There continues to be far too much oppression and corruption in the world.

There is still too much unjust influence expressed through religion, superstition and tradition.

But who truly practices the art of very necessary news in the 21st century?

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